You've been egged
A fun way to raise funds for Hope Hohenwald Inc.
Nominations for "You've Been Egged" are now open. Egging will take place from March 25 - March 29, 2024.
Simply fill out the form by clicking "Get Started" in the BLUE BOX to start EGGING!
What exactly does this mean?
Hope Hohenwald Inc., with the permission of the property owner, will fill the property with candy-filled plastic Easter Eggs! A sign will be placed on their door announcing who EGGED them (YOU!), and a yard sign will announce to passer-byers that they have been EGGED!
Tell your Friends!
Hope Hohenwald Inc. is raising much needed funds for a building expansion project. We are in desperate need of a gymnasium facility to better serve our community, after school students, and summer day campers. You can help by participating and encouraging your friends to participate as well!